Pointless Outfits

Yesterday I bought a new SD Card and I had the sudden urge to test it out. I know, it sounds stupid & it is. While my mom & I were packing for my trip to Jamaica I came across a pack of three white t-shirts from Old Navy. I tried one on and it didn't fit quite how I wanted it to, so after some stretching (which felt like a cardio workout) this is how it turned out. I skimmed through my closet for pieces to style it with & so this is the finished product.

Behold, the "Pointless Outfits".

Denim Vest- Thrifted + DIY
Denim Jacket- GAP
Flannel- Vintage
Shorts- Jack & Jones
Shoes- Aldo
Bag- Thrifted
Beanie- eBay
Glasses- Urban Outfitters


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